2019 Artist Grant: Scultpure

Laura Buchan

Stevenson, WA

Working in carved wood, this artist from Stevenson, Washington creates large, wall-mounted sculptures that address “the discomfort we often feel with taboo subjects such as death and decay, and our impulse to avoid them, physically and emotionally.” Exhibiting a high level of technical skill, these large-scale works contain a conceptual depth which juxtaposes the simple beauty of raw wood with subjects often considered grotesque or taboo to help move the viewer to transcend their gut-reactions and learned notions.

$5,000 Grant Winner

Tom Gormally

Seattle, WA

Tom creates complex narratives that combine whimsy, discernment, and social and political relevance in their attempt to “process the bizarre and disturbing stories that are a part of world news today.” These sculptures exhibit beauty and strong concepts, along with a combination of traditional materials and modern technology, such as motion-activated sound components.

$5,000 Grant Winner

Chris Oliver

Seattle, WA

Chris’ work includes large scale indoor and outdoor installations that often relate to architecture, landscape, and notions of value. His works explore when an object is or is not sculpture, and “how something can move in and out of the sculptural realm, and how even the most mundane architectural elements can become crucial to sculpture.”

$5,000 Grant Winner

Maria Cristalli

Stevenson, WA

After spending years perfecting the techniques of blacksmithing, Maria has entered the fine art world with success. Her fresh perspective and unique workmanship lift her sculptures out of the realm of craft and into fine art.

$2,500 Honrable Mention